Annual Report
March 2020 – March 2021

Making an Impact
N95 Masks (or equivalent)
Surgical Masks
Gloves (individual)
Face Shields, Safety Glasses, and Goggles
Nevada COVID-19 Task Force Fundraising
More than $12,600,000 in financial contributions have been raised by the Nevada COVID-19 Response, Relief and Recovery Task Force since March 27th.

United Arab Emirates Provide Support in Fight Against COVID-19
Abu Dhabi-based tech company G42 to partner with UMC in increased testing and long-term study of the virus. As a result of the G42 partnership, the Task Force is working with UMC to develop Nevada’s first high-volume COVID-19 testing laboratory to support the processing of patient samples from hospitals, doctor’s offices, curb-side-testing locations and other health care providers throughout Nevada. The Task Force is also working with Renown Regional Medical Center and the Nevada State Public Health Laboratory to develop additional high-volume capacity in Northern Nevada.

Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
Brownstein is proud to donate our time, resources and legal services to the Nevada COVID-19 Response, Relief and Recovery Task Force and those in need.

NV Energy Foundation announced it is providing a $1,000,000 donation to nine nonprofits to support Nevadans physically or financially affected by COVID-19.

We are honored to be able to help our medical community and charitable partners during this time of need. Thank you to all the essential workers currently on the front lines.

MGM Resorts International is donating 100,000 surgical masks, 1,000 N95 masks, and 800 units of goggles to Nevada Healthcare systems.

Who We Are
The Nevada COVID-19 Task Force is a group of business leaders and community members, led by Jim Murren, driven to rally the resources of the private sector to best aid the state in the response, relief and recovery from COVID-19. Our immediate focus is on reducing pressure on medical capacity, providing PPE to our front-line healthcare workers, and building support structures around the most vulnerable members of our community. By bringing the philanthropic and business communities together, we can more effectively fulfill those needs and ease the strain on Nevadans and our medical community.
For Businesses Seeking Assistance
If you’re a business in need of further assistance, Nevada’s Business Information Network is a statewide network of business, industry, trade and economic development organizations working together to share information and provide resources to Nevada businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund has been established to assist in the response, relief and recovery efforts. Nevada Community Foundation is serving as fiscal agent for the fund, which will be used for the following charitable purposes:
- To make grants and payments to assist the State of Nevada and its political subdivisions in responding to COVID-19;
- To provide assistance and supplies to first responders and healthcare providers (individuals and institutions);
- To take such actions and make such payments as the Governor’s Task Force and Nevada Community Foundation determine appropriate to respond to the COVID-19 emergency.
The Nevada Health Response website was created to keep Nevadans properly informed on the current status of COVID-19 and how residents can prepare for and prevent the spread of the disease.
The CDC provides guidelines, resources and updates on the status of the pandemic from a national perspective.
Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center U.S. county level COVID-19 tracking map.